Warhammer total war chaos
Warhammer total war chaos

warhammer total war chaos

If introduced as a playable race in Total War, Chaos Dwarfs would be the perfect antithesis to the normal dwarfs players are used to. In addition to having access to war machines, they can also use magic by inscribing runes onto their skin. This makes them a considerable threat, but it also slowly turns them to stone. Their army would be more than just war machines, however, as the Chaos Dwarfs are also the master slavers and beast tamers of the Chaos forces. While they’ve only been briefly mentioned within Warhammer lore, they were given an army list at one point. They are the forge masters of the legions of chaos and made an appearance as the crew of the Hellcannon. Chaos Dwarfs, known as Dawi-Zharr to their cousins, were a group who fell to the influence of a powerful demon and turned from the worship of their ancestors. However, while they couldn’t fall due to outside influences, there was nothing to stop them from choosing to follow the dark gods.

warhammer total war chaos

The sons of Grimnir are strong and stalwart and were designed to be resistant to magic and, therefore, Chaos by the old ones. The Dwarfs are one of the staple races of the Warhammer world.

Warhammer total war chaos